Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome, 2013

You know what they say about New Year resolutions, right? They need to be specific, measurable, achievable and all that hoo-ha. And I’m working on them for my own life.

But I have…I guess it’s a wish, more than a resolution, and it involves the cooperation of a lot more folks out there.

What I’d like for 2013 is that I do not have to write one single post in response to some nutjob with automatic weapons who empties clip after clip into a church, school, mall, restaurant, office, university, movie theatre or any other public venue.

Work with me, people. We have to do better at this than we did last year.

1 comment:

  1. As we say in Hebrew, "Shanah tovah, metukah u'mutzlakhat!" May you have a good, sweet and successful year!
