Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Order in the House

I hate to start out the new year on a downer, but if one is at all concerned about the economy, one can’t help but wish it were possible to take a gigantic fire hose to the House and Senate and wash all the occupants and their staff (and, while I’m at it, all the lobbyists) out of the Capitol and…somewhere. Anywhere—I don’t care,

How about over a cliff?

And why is it that whenever I hear the name Eric Cantor, the one word that immediately leaps to mind is pissant?


  1. Why do you have that reaction to Cantor's name? Because you're smart and perceptive. (I feel the same way about Ryan.)

  2. Yeah, Roo--those two are cut from the same cloth. Synthetic, industrially-extruded cloth.
