Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In the queue

Ah, the new year is starting out well for the spammers & phishers. Thank God even lame-ass AOL can detect them & shunt them off into the junk mail folder. (Hey—after AOL assimilated Netscape emails I was stuck with them. It’s not like I volunteered.)

 The “Priority Mail Postal Service” is an old pal, more or less—can’t decide whether it wants to be the USPS or FedEx, so going for both:

Interesting that they didn’t bother to steal the actual FedEx logo, which is:

(Note the difference in the font, the colors and the space between Fed & Ex.)

The one from “MailBox Alert”, slugged “New e-mails in your mailbox” was, um, different:

Kind of a change to be addressed as “Gentleman!” (Although—do you suppose they’re tracking all the spam I get for penile enlargement aids?) & nice to know I have 15 more “fresh” messages. Do you suppose they mean fresh as in “recent” or fresh as in “frisky”?

One could also speculate about the offers. But, sadly, I won’t be contacting administrator Natasha.

If it were Boris, now…

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