Monday, January 14, 2013

If a man answers

Here’s a vertical market that apparently wasn’t featured at last week’s Consumer Electronics Show: mobile phones with a privacy feature enabling the user to keep calls from specified callers out of queues, logs, etc. They’re called “infidelity phones”, and they apparently are well known in Japan.

The technology—which is actually oldish—is the subject of blogs among the use-‘em-&-lose-‘em” set. It’s essentially an earlier version of privacy settings that allow the user to shunt calls from various people—other mistresses, wives,and the like—into a never-never land so that the woman they’re with at the moment isn’t able to scroll through call logs and deduce philandering is in process.

Of course, that doesn’t do anything to hide the evasiveness, lies and general scumminess that forms the basis of men who need such privacy settings. Those are even older technologies that should be easily picked up on by anyone with the most basic bullshit detection systems.

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