Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday flash, Part 1

I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but I was expecting another week between now & Christmas. Someone apparently sneaked in & burgled it while I wasn’t looking.

At any rate, it’s time for holiday flash mobs. First up—because you can never have too much “Hallelujah Chorus” is a couple from Ireland.

This one, from a South Dublin mall, is remarkable to me because the setting is so depressingly like every mall in the US. Couldn’t they have built something not quite so vanilla?

(I was also struck by the yahoo who rode the escalator down with his/her kid in one of those fold-up strollers. Apparently Irish yuppies have no more sense of child protection than American ones—can’t be bothered to take the elevator, just jam the rear axle on the tread & hope that disaster doesn’t strike.)

Okay—I’m being a bit churlish there.

So by way of atonement, here’s one from Cork—apparently in the university dining hall.

Props to the choir for singing it a cappella.

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