Monday, December 17, 2012

Aloha to the honorable gentleman

I can’t tell you how sad I am to hear of the death of Daniel Inouye. The Senator who represented the people of Hawaii since 1963, died today at age 88.

The man served the people of the United States pretty much all his adult life. He lost his arm in action in Tuscany against the Germans in 1945 as a member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. For his courage truly above and beyond, Inouye was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (initially the Distinguished Service Cross). Following his recovery from his wounds, he earned degrees in political science and law, and began his political career.

Inouye absolutely embodied the concept of public service. In an organization marked these days for veniality, pettiness and rabid ideology, he never lost sight of the greater good. I can’t think of him as a “politician” when the term applies to the likes of our Congress.

Sadly, they don’t make them like him anymore.

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