Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Guilty, guilty pleasure

I think it says something for my job search that when I start typing the URL for a tech jobs-posting board, as soon as I enter “D” into the bar, Firefox auto-completes dog-shaming.com. Only when I add the “I” does Dice.com come up.

I do love Dog-shaming.

&, as a public service, I’m going to share a couple of the pictures from last week that just had me, um, howling:

There’s something about a circle of dachshunds that just cracks me up.

Now, this one: if—as it would seem from the caption card—the dog has done this before, I have to hold the cat at least partly culpable. Honestly—if you know what happens when you get in the shower & the dog’s around, you should make it your business to stay out of the bathroom.

I mean, dog-shaming is one thing. Being shamed by a dog is another entirely.

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