Friday, October 28, 2011

Love & crime in Colorado

File this under the heading of “you just can’t make this stuff up”: A Colorado Springs man (& I use the adult-male designator loosely) sought help from the police when his online & offline love lives collided at oh-dark-thirty Wednesday night.

His wife got home earlier than he’d expected & when his Craigslist conquest showed up for their assignation, Kevin Gaylor, 24, resolved his dilemma by calling 911 & reporting the girlfriend as an armed intruder.

Once the cops figured out what was happening, they charged Gaylor with misdemeanor false reporting of a crime. & I hope they advised the incipient paramour to Google anyone she meets on Craigslist to see if there's a spouse lurking about. 

There are a couple of things that bother me about this story:

The unnamed college student who appeared for an 0300 date (& what’s up with that, I wonder?) was reportedly driven there by some guy. & evidently he wasn’t her father.

Uh, has dating changed so thoroughly that you have a male friend drive you to your hookups? Or is it the whole Craigslist I-could-be-meeting-up-with-a-serial-killer thing?

& has the concept of meeting someone for coffee for the first date not made it to Colorado Springs?

The other thing that is a serious concern is this: is this Gaylor bloke procreating? If so, God help us.

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