Friday, October 21, 2011

Another one bites the sand

Yesterday was a weird news day.

First of all, Muammar El-Qaddafi was reported killed by Libyan rebels who’ve had a remarkable run over the past few months. If true, the world’s a better place for him being out of it, although I’m not sanguine about democracy setting in to a country that has no experience of it.

And it’s appropriate that a dictator who styled himself the über-revolutionary was destroyed by the Arab Spring uprising. Turns out he was a glory that Libya, the Arab nation, the Islalamic nation, Africa and the whole wide world actually could forgo.

But revolutionaries who’ve had an even longer run than the Libyans announced yesterday that they’re renouncing violence. ETA, the Basque separatist/independence movement has called a halt to its campaign of bombings and assassinations that has run for just about the length of time Qaddafi was in power.

They’re going to give peace a chance.

Now, if only we could get Congress to lay down its arms and work together.

1 comment:

  1. And I'm impressed by the cluelessness of NGO human rights groups who can only think to cluck over the fact that after pretty much destroying any semblance of due process and rule of law that Libyan society might once have had, the madman didn't get a fair trial.
