Monday, August 22, 2011

A sport we can all get behind

I don’t know why this wasn’t on at least three of the 17 ESPN channels, but the 2011 Mobile Phone-Throwing Championships were held yesterday in Savonlinna, Finland.

And, as should surprise no one, the Finnish team swept most of the events. Nokia, after all, is probably the only Finnish brand pretty much known everywhere in the world. And--unlike Motorola—Nokia cell phones actually seem to last.

Now, I really wish there was more information on these events. Like—is a smartphone any better for tossing than a clamshell? Is there a technique that works more effectively than others? What kind of training to contestants have to undergo? Are there product endorsement opportunities?

And what the hell constitute “aesthetics and creative choreographics?”

The only video I could find is from four years ago and is really low-quality. So, ESPN? Get on it!

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