Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Degrees of value

Some interesting stats on the best-paying college degrees. Here’s a hint: none of them encompasses the Liberal Arts.

Now, I don’t know the source of this list, but after having been in the computer software and telecommunications fields for the past 17 years, I really have to question the placement of computer science and computer engineering in the running.

I suppose that, in comparison to degrees in psychology or Renaissance art history, CS and CE grads do pretty well. But it’s been my observation that—of the ten jobs ranked here, those two are the ones that can be (and in fact are being) shipped overseas. Or given to holders of H-1B visas imported by large corporations for the same purpose that 150 years ago the railroads brought over Chinese and Irish laborers.

So I’m not sure how long those degrees will hold value in our economy.

Welcome to my world.

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