Monday, August 29, 2011

Recruiters 21

For those of you who think I might be exaggerating the ignorance  illiteracy of the recruiters I’ve encountered, let me just present the latest email I’ve received:

For the record, my name is not San. Perhaps she thought she was addressing the entire greater San Francisco Bay area. Or was giving me a Japanese honorific. While omitting my actual, you know, name.

I’ve never heard of bluewolf™, so I hardly see how it could be the nation’s leading technology consulting firm. I’m thinking IBM or Booz Allen Hamilton or even Comsys would rank higher than this bluewolf™ crowd.

Charlotte apparently thinks that use of UPPER CASE, bold typeface & exclamation points! will further her cause. (The frightening thing is that it may do that for some people.)

The job itself wasn’t a match, so no surprise there.

I just wish these people would hire someone who knows about setting up mass emails, & think about the use of text enhancement.

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