Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jury duty 2.0

Another one for the “America, gonif!” file: a juror in a Texas civil case has been cited for contempt because he tried to “friend” the defendant on Facebook last month. She reported him to the court and he was booted off the jury.

Jurors had been instructed not to discuss the case with either humans or social media; but that was apparently more than Jonathan Hudson, 22, could bear.

It wasn’t enough that he tried to friend her; after she ratted him out he still tried to hook up with her.

I’m guessing she’s a looker.

Sadly, though, I’m betting this is a harbinger of things to come. Not just people Tweeting from the jury room or sending 43 Facebook status updates from the courtroom; but people thinking of jury duty as a prime opportunity to hit on trial figures.

You thought the O.J. trial was a circus...

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