Friday, July 1, 2011

O frabjous day!

The first of July carries a lot of significance. It’s the 144th Canada Day—celebrating nationhood for our neighbors to the north. Hurrah for the Canadians, eh?

It’s also marks the 95th anniversary of first day of the Somme—the monstrous battle that cost the attacking British 60,000 casualties before sundown. And it’s been 148 years since the battle of Gettysburg opened.

George Sand was born on 1st July in 1804, which Frédéric Chopin probably appreciated a whole lot.

But what makes today—1 July 2011—absolutely the finest kind day of this or many another year is that my BFF’s tumor markers have been so good for so long that this is her final chemotherapy treatment.

This is marvelous—not only because she’s doing so well against the cancer, but because it means an end to the god-awful nausea she’s been suffering for more than six months.

Champagne glasses at the ready, people: this is the best possible reason to celebrate the day.

1 comment:

  1. Calloh! Callay! I chortle in my joy.
    (Couldn't resist.)
