Monday, July 4, 2011

The native criminal class

As we celebrate the 235th anniversary of driving the independence stake into the ground, with the issues of nearly ten years of two wars, the economy in a morass & a world to which we’re supposed to be the shining beacon of democratic hope, here’s what our national legislative branch is doing: squabbling about whether or not to pass bills that have no redeeming social value whatsoever.

I want to be positive—I do. With all our problems we are an amazing experiment in the belief that people of good will can in fact come together to create and live by reasonable laws, & thrive in the process. I come from the generation that really believed in that & it hurts me to feel the hollowness of that hope.

But I swear—every year our Congressmorons become more venal & petty than I’d thought humanly possible. Every year they bear out the truth of Mark Twain’s comment that they possess “…the smallest minds & the selfishest souls & the cowardliest hearts that God makes.”

I so want the nation to rise up & bury them in this message: grow the hell up. But they'd just find a way to misrepresent it.

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