Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rapture wrap-up

Well, it’s looking bad for the Rapture predicted for today. I mean—only 0830 PDT and that’s not quite ten hours from local H-Hour, as specified by the now universally ridiculed Harold Camping. But I’m combing the media and not finding that New Zealand has been knocked off its pins by the earthquake that was to have triggered the global Judgment Day.

You may be thinking, “Harold, ju got some essplainin’ to doo,” around this time. But he’s gone through this before (1994) and like all the best practitioners of the art of propaganda (political, religious, commercial, whatever) he didn’t miss a beat, didn’t apologize, didn’t justify; just moved on to the next prediction. That was scheduling the Rapture for 21 May 2011 at 1800. So stay tuned for his next prophesy.

And he found an audience. A small serious one as well as the vast legions of scoffers and even entrepreneurs (e.g., the service that, for a pre-paid fee—will care for pets left behind when their humans were sucked up to Heaven). God bless America.

Dunno what the believers are going to do when 1801 passes them by and they find themselves in much the same condition as they were at 1759. But the ridiculers and the simply dumbfounded will be partying all weekend.

So come Monday, I think employers should be a little understanding when their staff comes to work in somewhat bedraggled condition—either from overindulgence or disappointment.

But on a similar note, all the Bay Area public radio stations—from KQED down to the ones that have about 52 watts of broadcast power out of Oakland or Campbell—have ended their concurrent spring fundraising drives. So it’s feeling a lot more like heaven on this part of the earth.

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