Monday, April 4, 2011


March may have been as funny as a bagful of sedated pythons on their way to Dubai, but it was really, really bad for TLP. You know—trying to make sense out of my life.

February went pretty well—I was diligent about most of my tasks & especially pleased with the work I did on improving my health.

But March roared in & I completely lost the plot. I don’t know when I’ve felt so sludgy & drag-ass, which interfered with a number of my tasks. I kept track of my exercise & meals for about three days & then just quit.

Also—you may recall that I made the statement that I needed to have all my tax information to my accountant by the beginning of the month or “I’m going to be one sorry, sorry person”? Well, I’m about to send my accountant enough data for him to file an extension, because I didn’t get round to putting stuff together until last week, when I discovered I’m missing three 1099 forms that will add about $120 worth of interest income to my 2010 total. Though the amount is negligible, the IRS & my CPA are real sticklers for having the official documents.

&, trust me, my degree of sorryness is about as immense as you could find.

Part of my slide into the slough of despond may be chemically induced; my sleep specialist MD (what—you don’t have one?) had added a new medicine into the mix in late February & about two weeks later I hit the skids. We’ve rethought that & moved in another direction, which I’ve been taking for a couple of weeks, so I’m hoping that’ll help.

Anyhow, it’s April now, & all I can do is climb back into that damned saddle again. & hope that the other kids on the merry-go-round don’t laugh at me as I cling to the pole.

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