Friday, April 1, 2011

It's here...

As if March wasn’t good enough at tickling the funny bones, what with snakes on the town, recruiters from a parallel universe &, of course, Congress—here we are at April Fool’s Day.

Naturally, Google is on top of things, announcing a super innovation to Gmail: Gmail Motion. You use your natural movements to write your emails. So better watch some of those hand gestures, boyo, when replying to your boss’s latest completely unreasonable demand.

(Click on the “Try Gmail Motion” button for the denouement.)

For some straightforward fun stuff, here’s a cartoon that combines two of the funniest realms around us: cats & the office. The panel with the two of them at the copier might be the feline version of a Gmail Motion reply to your boss.

So, fools—it’s your day. Get out there and enjoy!

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