Thursday, April 14, 2011

Recruiters 18

Lest you think recruiters have hauled their heads out of their lower gastro-intestinal systems recently, let me reassure you by recounting a recent exchange I had.

I received an unsolicited email from a recruiter named Raj in New Jersey touting a contract product manager for mobile apps…in Chicago. I’ll grant that if you’re in Jersey you may have a loose grasp of geography, but I’d really have thought that the whole different state thing between the job and my address might have sparked a thought. Moreover, I don't have experience with mobile apps, and I don't know how Raj got the idea that I did.

But it didn’t end there. When I replied that the California-Illinois commute is longer than I like, he wanted to know if I’d be interested in relocating; for a six-month contract. I said that any relocation would have to be paid by the client, which I thought would end the conversation, but I was obviously too subtle for him.

He replied wanting to know what hourly rate I’m looking for. Well, I flung out some high-end figures, because the whole thing was becoming risible. He finally contacted his client and was crushed to discover that they wouldn’t “take care of any relocation charges.” Like I thought they would.

But here’s the kicker: he still pushed, “I am not sure if you are interested in this position anymore. Let me know if this would workout for you.”

Uh, that would be a negatory, good buddy. Maybe you can find someone in Florida interested in it.

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