Friday, April 15, 2011

Hit the showers

So, having plumped up the pillows & smoothed the 500-thread-count designer sheets, hotels are now spiffing up the showering experience, according to the WSJ.

High on the list are multiple shower heads, including one shooting down from a crystal chandelier. (No, I am not making this up.)

Frankly, I’m not a fan of that straight-down-from-the-ceiling shower, because there are times when I don’t want my hair wet, but it does look cool when you see it in photos.

However, I’m confused about something. The chains are eliminating bathtubs—according to Wyndham’s head of “development planning & construction”, “Most people, when they’re going to work in the morning, don’t drop & lounge in a tub.”

In that case, what’s up with the hammock in the shower?

Also, while I’m on the topic of the shower hammock—I hope they have a lot of liability insurance because getting in & out of a hammock in a wet, tiled bathroom is an invitation to some massive injuries.

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