Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Recruiters 16

As follow-up to my latest post on my experience with the recruiting chick for that Fortune magazine “great” place to work…

You’ll recall that the merry-go-round stopped with me having an appointment scheduled for 1330 yesterday with the hiring manager to discuss the position. Considering that the recruiting chick claimed to have no knowledge of what they’re willing to pay for the job & she definitely knew spit about what the job entails, I really was looking forward to hearing from the hiring manager, who presumably would have some actual, you know, useful information.

Alas, I still remain unenlightened, because the hiring manager never called. At 1345 I emailed the assistant to ask what was going on—so far no response.

This outfit may indeed be a great place to work, but from my viewpoint they fall way short of the mark when it comes to being a great place to deal with.

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