Monday, March 21, 2011

Network news

So AT&T is buying T-Mobile, bidding $39M in cash and stock to Deutsche Telekom. Thus would the number two mobile carrier would absorb number four in the US.

It makes technological sense, in that both AT&T and T-Mobi have GSM networks. And there’s a sort of business sense, in that now that AT&T no longer has the lock on the iPhone market their unbelievably lousy service is going to matter more, and they should be hemorrhaging customers at approximately the rate at which their network drops calls.

T-Mobi now gets to color in more of the country in terms of network coverage. Plus, it’s gotta be hard being the tail end of the parade all the time.

But I really feel sorry for the people who got used to having actual customer service with T-Mobi. I had AT&T for nearly ten years; not once did I get the service I'd contracted for (without a fight). The only time I became a "valued customer" was the day I cancelled my account.

This is all assuming the Department of Justice approves the transaction. But given the pro-business climate pervading the federal government, I’m guessing that’s going to happen.

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