Friday, March 18, 2011

For the people? 2

Ah, our Congressmorons just can’t stop the music: they can’t pass a bleeding federal budget & they can’t do anything about either creating jobs or helping the unemployed, but they’ve got the time to ram through a bill to defund NPR.

Yes, the House took a firm & righteous stand against federal spending by voting 228-192 to prohibit Federal funding of National Public Radio and the use of Federal funds to acquire radio content.” (Actual text.)

Now, the amount of money that makes its way from we-the-people’s pockets to Scott Simon (it goes through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which doles it out in specific grants) is less than what the Morons spend on postage every year, so the ’Pubs’ posturing has nothing to do with saving, you know, money, & everything to do with grabbing some headlines & looking good for their Tea Partying constituents.

But you have to love the utter effrontery of the 228, all (as you’d expect) ’Pubs, represented in my mind by the comment of Rich Nugent (Fla.), when he intoned, “A lot of us like NPR. We’re not trying to harm NPR. We’re actually trying to liberate them from federal tax dollars.”

Which isn’t a favor they’d consider doing for their pals on Wall Street, who are sucking up those dollars at a rate of knots in the form of tax breaks & bailouts.

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