Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Whinging on the Hill

You know, every time you think the US Senate has reached the utmost pinnacle of pettiness & puerility you discover that they’ve only reached the base station and have another 14,000 feet to go.

This week’s example is Democrat Harry Reid (Nev.) and Republicans Jim DeMint (S.C.) and Jon Kyl (Ariz.) getting exercised over who better understands the meaning of Christmas.

Well, actually, the ’Pubs’ noses are out of joint because Reid has threatened to keep the august body in session in the week between Christmas and New Year, to get some actual, you know, legislation passed. DeMint and Kyle accused Reid of waging war on Christmas and grandstanding; Reid pointed out that millions of working Americans don’t regularly get a week off at this time of year and the Senators should quit their whining.

I’d be more sympathetic to Reid if he’d not displayed symptoms of a spinectomy for the last two years and had used his majority leader position to wrangle the ’Pubs to the floor instead of letting them pontificate and posture when they should have been passing laws.

Mark Twain commented that Congressmen have “...the smallest minds and the selfishest souls and the cowardliest hearts that God makes.” That was more than 100 years ago and they’ve only got worse since.

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