Monday, December 13, 2010

Palin in Haiti

When I heard Sarah Palin was tripping to Haiti I thought at first it must be a hoax. But it turns out that it’s real—or at least as real as the rest of her role in politics.

Then I thought, “Zut alors—earthquake, cholera & now this buffoon? How long must this beleaguered country suffer one disaster after another?”

I’m not the only one with that thought, of course. I mean, you shouldn’t get points for going for the obvious.

But “Palin in Haiti”—doesn’t that just cry out for an opera? Something with a lot of dramatics, a lot of malapropisms & a lot of big hair?

I’m thinking along the lines of the “La Bubba Vita” that was making the rounds in 2000-2001. Someone’s gotta step up to the plate on this one; the world really needs it.

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