Thursday, January 22, 2009

Motor City madness

As you may or may not know, the annual North American International Auto Show is in progress. You can find their web site for yourself; I’m not helping them pump their traffic figures.

What you may have noticed is that there hasn’t been a lot of coverage of this year’s show in the media, because Detroit appears to be as bankrupt in new models as it is in its coffers. There are concept cars, apparently an attempt to see if people get excited.

However, here’s one report that really explores the whole mishegoss. If they didn’t have $25B of our money already, this would be more amusing, but I put it out here for you anyhow.

But here's a real piece of lunacy: Fiat has announced its intent to "buy" a 35% share in that sinking ship, Chrysler. My first thought was, "suckers!" but it turns out that you & I, my fellow Americans, would foot the bill for this one, too.

According to a story in Wednesday's WSJ this would be a "cashless" deal for Fiat, with the Italian company contributing only "technology & vehicles" for Chrysler to build & sell here.

Oh, & it's contingent on Chrysler getting another $3B in handouts from the Feds.

They should be distributing booze nationwide from that auto show.

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