Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Friends beyond death

I guess the California legislature doesn’t own the exclusive rights to bizarre lawmaking. Seems a Washington state senator has proposed a bill to allow humans to be buried with their pets.

I really don’t have any opinion one way or another about the comingling of remains. But I am a little concerned about the timelines: if you predecease Fluffy or Spike, how can you be sure your executors will honor your wish?

And most people will have to say good-bye to a series of non-human companions long before they take that final journey—what happens to the little corpses in the meantime?

(And, BTW—what if it’s not a little body? What if your dearest four-foot is a Percheron?)

I’m just a little worried about the possibility of a surge of cross-species murder-suicide pacts to ensure that the buddies go together.

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