Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Music to my ears

A friend sent this to me. It’s certainly appropriate for the season’s message, & a nice change.

Crank up the volume & dance, children!


  1. So, I'm working from home this morning, when what to my blurry eyes should appear but my two kids. Having just programmed a Christmas music station on my Pandora account, I was trying to get into the spirit of the season. They, of course, demanded "cool" music (my selection obviously not cool, to their experienced ears, being 4 and two yeaars old). I was also reading this post, and flipped to the YouTube link.

    This video mesmerized them, in a good way, and put me right into the spirit I was looking for. Well done!

  2. Oh, Pandora! I think discovering Pandora Radio may have been the best thing that happened to me in 2008.

    The Pundit's Apprentice
