Monday, October 7, 2024

Gratitude Monday: brilliance

In these crazy times, we none of us are assured of anything. Aside from human-induced climate-related natural disasters, we’re surrounded by two major kinetic wars; worldwide cyber crime aimed at crippling infrastructure, healthcare and communications; the global rise of right-wing authoritarianism; and a presidential election here that pits a proven upholder of the Constitution against a convicted felon whose campaign relies on unprecedented lying and incitement to violence to support winning at all costs.

The costs to be paid by everyone but him.

Plus—I’m still being chewed to shreds by bloody mosquitos. In October.

My point is—no matter how battened down we think our lives are, we’re all one layoff, one aneurysm, one rogue Waymo or one batshit crazy True Believer away from everything turning upside down. So I’ve taken to trying to focus on the things around me—in whatever format they might appear—that remind me of the grace and blessings that do exist, even if they’re ephemeral.

Today it’s the hibiscus that my neighbor planted. (Y’all know how I love hibiscus.)

She gets actual sun (unlike my yard), and she recently set out a bunch of plants and shrubs, including these stunners. I don’t know where hibiscus originated, but these guys remind me of the colors or Mexico, or the Little India neighborhood of Singapore. Just in-your-face look-at-me vibrant hues. You just have to smile when you see them.

Today I’m grateful for my neighbor, her garden and these beauties. How could I not be?


©2024 Bas Bleu

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