Friday, September 27, 2024


Okay, look—I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but this has been knocking in my head since the Kiffness first uploaded it the day after the presidential debate. That’s two and a half weeks and it’s more than I can bear. It’s more relentless than “It’s a Small World.” I have to share it and dissipate its power over me.

The Kiffness (stage name of David Scott) is a South African musician and parody artist. He normally focuses on South African politics, but his YouTube channel also seems to have right many songs about or by cats. So the Kleptocrat’s absolutely false and utterly ridiculous geshrei about immigrants killing and eating pets in Ohio must have been a godsend for him.

In his piece, the Kiffness deftly melded the Kleptocrat—in his Cassandra-like desperation, trying to convince a room of television cameras and sane people of the immigrant lie—with his perfect musical takedown.

“Eating the Cats” has become quite the global sensation. Earlier this week the Kiffness was performing in Berlin. He tried to get the audience to focus on others in his oeuvre, but they demanded it. It’ll probably be hanging around his neck for a while.

Just like it’s rattling in my head.

©2024 Bas Bleu


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