Wednesday, August 28, 2024

When it absolutely, positively


FedEx notified me on Monday that a package that requires an adult signature would be delivered on Tuesday.

Yesterday morning I received this email in my queue at 0609:

So I darted out to Trader Joe before 0900 because I needed feta, and then squirreled around the house listening to my neighbors’ kitchen contractors drilling through steel-plated dinosaur teeth and wondering if I should take the pictures down from my wall. I needed to get to the library to pick up a book on hold, but you know that the instant I pulled out of the cluster the FedEx van would show up.

At 1150 I clicked on the package tracking link to discover this:

What I don’t understand is: why do they lie to you if they know you’re going to catch them at it?

 UPDATE: Okay, at around quarter after noon, I heard a thonk at the front door. Looked out to see my package on the stoop and the FedEx guy’s back as he got in his truck.

This has actually happened before. FedEx drivers tend to take the “Adult Signature Required” thing as more of a guideline than a mandate. UPS are total sticklers about it.

Anyway—book acquired, package safely inside, all is well.


©2024 Bas Bleu


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