Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Holey ground

About a month ago, I noticed there was a hole in my back garden. And then I noticed a second hole, which made me wonder about who might be digging them. Like…snakes?

I notified the management company, who sent out a pest control guy to check. He pointedly looked at my bird feeders and asked if I was feeding squirrels. (Implication: if you’re feeding squirrels, you can expect snakes.)

Well, no—I’m feeding birds. And if squirrels are attracting snakes, they took their sweet time getting here, because I’ve had feeders and squirrels for seven years with no holes in the back yard.

Well, he stomped on the holes to close them and told me to call him if they reappeared.

A week or so, I noticed that the larger hole was back. I stomped it and it came back.

Well—Friday afternoon I discovered who was doing the digging.

I’ve ordered stand down on all interventions, and put out some carrot pieces beside the bowl of water on the ground.

And I really hope that, if there are snakes, they play nice with everyone else.



©2024 Bas Bleu


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