Wednesday, July 24, 2024


It started some time in May, when I bought the dwarf Meyer lemon tree. I didn’t really want a Meyer, but that’s all the garden center had. I got to the microscopic lemon stage, but then someone—my money was on some toerag with a bushy tail—knocked them off.

Well, then I recalled how much I enjoy limes, so I went to a different garden center about a month ago and bought a dwarf lime. No blossoms, but the leaves actually smelled like limes.

After the incipient Meyer lemons disappeared, I went back to that second garden center and bought a dwarf Ponderosa lemon tree. It was covered with blossoms, so I was hopeful. There were also microscopic lemons.

Then I watched one day as Scooter, the chipmunk, hopped up to the Meyer tree, rampaged around the branches, moved on to the lime and then to the Ponderosa. He was the culprit, the little hooligan. I opened the door to yell at him.

But I knew I needed to do more, so I now have the Ponderosa encased in a net bag. He’s tried twice to get up under it.

I may need to make another trip to the garden center.

(But, listen—I do not have a citrus problem. I can stop whenever I want.)




©2024 Bas Bleu


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