Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I can do this

For about three weeks, I’ve had first muscular discomfort and then muscle/joint pain in my left hip. It started with something behind the pelvic blade, then moved deep into the glute and finally attacked the ball and socket. Having had way too many interactions with orthopods in the previous two years, I tried toughing it out for much longer than I should, but eventually caved.

Saw the doctor yesterday and the diagnosis is bearable: trochanteric bursitis, caused by chronic tendonitis. Treatment: a cortisone shot to reduce the inflammation and physical therapy to, you know, do the usual. Prescription-strength NSAID as backup.

I can’t tell you how relieved I am about this. I’d nearly convinced myself that this pain, which greatly limited my mobility and flexibility, would be my future, and now it’s just an episode.



©2024 Bas Bleu

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