Monday, May 6, 2024

Gratitude Monday: new neighbor, old friend

A few weeks ago, a neighbor brought me a pastry, which was lovely. But what sent me over the moon was that it was in a Paris Baguette bag. Because that meant PB has made it to the ‘hood.

Back when I lived in the Valley They Call Silicon, I was a regular at the Santa Clara PB. It was my preferred coffee shop for lingering over a coffee, writing and people watching. My status was so well established that as soon as I opened the door, Kenyon, the manager, had someone start my decaf latte. The pastries were extra primo good, too.

I’ve not found anything close to PB, either in the District They Call Columbia or the People’s Republic, so I was profoundly grateful to learn that an actual PB has opened in Herndon. As soon as I could, I tracked it down.

It was interesting to me that it’s located on the ground floor of a block of mid-rise apartments—first to fill the space that will be all-food all-the-time, apparently. Like you might find in a city, instead of an ex-urb next to a highway. Whatever—I was just happy to see it.

Right after I found the place, I mentioned it to my yoga instructor, showing her a couple of pix after an in-person lesson. Not 20 minutes after she left my house, I got this text (and then follow-up):

Well, I mean—just look:

So my gratitude today is knowing there’s a Paris Baguette nearby—but not as close as the Santa Clara one was, so I won’t be tempted to pop by every day.


 ©2024 Bas Bleu


1 comment:

  1. We have one opening near me in WA - saw the papered storefront a few weeks back.
