Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Key interview question

Last week I interviewed for a product management position with the head of HR of a small pre-IPO software company. According to this person’s LinkedIn profile, she has a few decades, including V-level slots, with some legit, Fortune 100 companies. So I was a little surprised when she said:

“Oh, you were a product manager at [Megalithic Software Corporation]. The daughter of a friend of mine is a product manager there. Her name is X Y; did you know her?”

Uh, MSC has more than 150,000 employees, including several thousand PMs. Maybe a few thousand fewer staffers and a few hundred fewer PMs now, but still.

“Oh, I don’t think so. What unit does she work in?”

“I don’t know. But are you sure?” Voice becomes louder, pronunciation more distinct. “Her name is X Y.”

“No; sorry.”

Dunno if that ended my candidacy with that company, but I’ve not heard back from them since that call.

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