Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The front page

I made a Costco run yesterday—I was getting low on Greek yoghurt and down to eight pounds of butter, so it was time. I was gone about an hour (I do not dawdle in a shopping situation), and when I returned home, this is what the home page of The Washington Post looked like:

A few Thoughts:

The Kleptocrat will obviously appeal the D.C. Circuit Court panel’s (unanimous) decision. (The judges did not buy his lawyer’s argument that the Founding Fathers intended that a president have the freedom to order members of the military to assassinate a political opponent without worrying about criminal prosecution.) That will be two rounds of court appearances—before the full Circuit Court and then SCOTUS—and will no doubt effectively delay the federal prosecution for his attempts to obstruct Congress until after November’s election.

So it’s a win for him.

But I bet the ketchup is flying at Mar-a-Lago.

Also—I have no doubt that he’s added the names of the panel who ruled against him to his “retribution” list. That story is all about how the guy who once held the most powerful office in the world is waving his willie in the direction of anyone who hasn’t shown him sufficient adulation and obeisance. (In the end, no one will be kept off that list, because there’s never enough.) But he’s actually gearing up to use the power of that office to stomp every person on that list in the most humiliating way possible.

And there are millions of dumbasses who are happy to vote him into office for that purpose.

Third—“trust issues” in the GOP? Whatever next?




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