Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Church & state

Let me preface this post by stating that no real estate in the People’s Republic of Reston is cheap.

So some years ago I was interested in a building calling itself Reston Study Center, next to a Kinder Care on one of my walking circuits.

“What is this?” I wondered. “Is it some kind of tutorial center? What do they study?”

Well—turns out that it’s a 21,000SF facility that supports that most endangered of demographic in the United States—White Christian men. Actually, it’s devoted to the Roman Catholic teachings of Opus Dei, those lovable whackjobs who brought us Leonard Leo, head of the Federalist Society, and his minions John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanagh and Amy Coney Barrett of SCOTUS.

The center seems to hold some kind of event every Saturday morning. And what I’ve noticed about the men who show up is that their vehicles are often covered in forced-birth stickers and they can’t be arsed to park on the street when their parking lot is full. They just line up on the clearly-marked no-parking yellow curb.

(Sorry about the video; I'm still learning this whole mobile phone thing.)

Seems like maybe they should be studying something besides Opus Dei living.

And they should be paying property taxes on that prime parcel of the People’s Republic.




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