Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Your tax dollars at work

Okay, I had been unaware of this, but some Republicans in the Florida legislature actually think that Florida taxpayers ought to be funding the Kleptocrat’s fight against multiple indictments.

Because evidently a self-proclaimed billionaire, who’s reaping a crop he’s been sowing for (in some cases) decades, deserves all the help the citizens of the Sunshine State can hawk up. To the tune of $5M. (TBF, $5M is barely the retainer for one of Cadet Bonespurs’ lawyers, former Florida Solicitor General Chris Kise, currently beclowning himself in the civil fraud trial in Manhattan, so it’s kind of a sop in the global scheme of TFG’s legal schemes.) That’s pretty whack, I have to say.

But wait, as they say on TV—there’s more.

Because one day after Ron Never-Back-Down DeSantis backed down and closed up his presidential run shop, and endorsed Bonespurs, he apparently found a non-human vertebra and tweeted that he’d veto any such bill that came across his desk.

Yeah, the guy who blew $1.5M of Florida taxpayers’ money to illegally entice migrants in Texas to get on planes and be flown to Martha’s Vineyard to stick it to the libs has decided that paying the legal fees of a private citizen is not, in fact, an appropriate expenditure.

Well, we’ll see how long it takes for him to cave on this, too.


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