Friday, January 5, 2024

Oh, yes, it will

Not to put too fine a point upon it, but we all know that 2024 is going to be a shitshow. Presidential elections are always gagworthy, but this one, given the Kleptocrat’s candidacy and his strangle hold on the party of right-wing nutjobbery, is gag to an order of magnitude.

Particularly given the criminal and civil legal actions against him—you know that every single day he grows more unhinged and desperate, with the flop sweat pouring down his unwashed body under the girdle into his Depends. If he thinks he’s going to lose—a court case, a caucus, an election—he’ll burn everything down, and his followers will dance in the flames.

In short:

So for my first earworm of the year, let’s have Sam Cooke singing “A Change Is Gonna Come.” Let’s see if hope will prevail through this year of insanity.




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