Monday, January 29, 2024

Gratitude Monday: recovering

Last Thursday was the first day in a week and a half that I could take my morning walk. (The People’s Republic don’t have no truck with clearing snow from sidewalks, so I had to wait until it melted.) It was also warm enough that not even halfway into my circuit I had to peel off my hoodie.

Friday it was 64F when I went out; I didn’t even bother with the hoodie. It made it to 72F and I had my patio door open all day. In January.

Well, I’m grateful to be able to get back into the walks. I do not do well if I can’t get out and get the muscles moving.

But also, on Thursday, I noticed these little guys starting their annual visit.

By yesterday they were spreading, and making me so happy.

If they can pop up and thrive, so can I.



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