Monday, January 15, 2024

Gratitude Monday: NIMBY

We had a storm predicted for the weekend, but I have to say that it seems to have missed my part of the People’s Republic.

Well, perhaps my immediate part.

We got some rain during the night on Friday. Saturday it was almost temperate—in the 40s, and sunny for a good part of the day. Yesterday was right nippy, with just a touch of snow. For about 23 minutes; not enough to even coat the ground.

But it turns out that only a couple of hundred yards away from me, on the private golf course that appears to be the only patch of green that Fairfax County Board of Supervisors is willing to retain in the People’s Republic, I saw this:

And I’m so grateful that this wasn’t one of the big trees that line the property behind my house.

UPDATE: Haha—I woke up to snow on the ground. But I've shoveled three neighbors' walks and I'm warm and dry inside. Still grateful.




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