Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Friendly visit

It’s been a while since I reported on Foxy, the guy who’s put my back yard on his cruising route. He had a good Christmastide—two lamb rib bones on Christmas and two more on Boxing Day. Plus scraps of cheese, the odd salmon filet skin and mini-omelets from leftover egg wash for chicken cordon bleu.

(I’m not feeding him—I never put out enough to make a meal of; they’re just treats. I’ve also learnt not to put out any dishes. I once gave him leftover shrimp-dipping butter in a little porcelain ramekin, which I thought he could just clean out. Beggar swiped the dish.)

He’s come by several times in the morning, though, and I have to say he’s looking pretty fit and festive. Whaddaya think?

If you're askingyes, he's eating bird seed.


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