Saturday, November 4, 2023

Window shopping

Paris has many monuments and cultural landmarks. One of them is Galeries Lafayette, one of the grands magasins dating from the 19th Century. 

There is nothing on the eight floors of this palais du shop that is not designer branded (well, except the top floor, which has all the souvenirs) and very, very expensive. Merchandise is displayed like art work, only a few items at a time; I don’t even know how/if you’re meant to try anything on; it’s as though you’re supposed to admire and maybe purchase without the mundanity of practicality.

I mean:

I got a kick out of this guy having a video call in one of the cafés:

And I was kind of surprised that this dress was hanging...with wrinkles.

But let’s talk shoes. I walked around the étage des chaussures, shooting anything that caught my interest. Viz:

These boots were fascinating—literally thigh high, unless you’re a Bosnian WNBA player, maybe.

These boots would be for Republican governors wanting to make an impression post-hurricane:

And ankle straps are definitely a thing.

I love the wall o’ Crocs; they’re in the sneaker section.

Speaking of sneakers, Balenciaga would like a word.

No, I didn't buy anything.


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