Friday, September 29, 2023

They're here

In honor of the utter clown show that is the Republican majority in the House of Representatives—the ones who are about to shut down the federal government to own the libs—I had to go with “Send in the Clowns” for our earworm today.

There is not one of them who can hawk up an actual reason for careening toward the shutdown at the end of the week, not in all the soundbites they’ve been spewing over the airwaves this week.

Speaker-after-15-votes Kevin McCarthy won’t work with Democrats to come up with a funding bill because if he does, the RWNJs in the inaptly-named “Freedom Caucus” will remove him as Speaker, which is the only thing in life he cares about. Freedom Caukers really seem to have no concern about the hundreds of thousands of federal workers (much less the contractors) who’ll have to down tools and go unpaid until such time as they pull their fingers out and do their damned jobs. (Elected officials do get their paychecks during a shutdown, although I think their staff do not. I’d get my own coffee for a while, if I were one of these buffoons.) They just want to ensure that Dems don’t get any say in the legislation.

Meanwhile, people in banana republics and Eastern European oligarchies are laughing hysterically at this farce, and our allies are whispering among themselves that “that boy ain’t right,” and wondering if maybe a cow sat on the entire US legislative branch.

So, here’s Barbra Streisand singing “Send in the Clowns”, from A Little Night Music.



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