Monday, September 18, 2023

Gratitude Monday: clouds

I’ll confess that I’m having trouble rounding up gratitude today. Developers are about to get the full go-ahead from the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to slap 82 three- and 4-story townhouses on five acres of the corporate campus behind me. Last week I looked at the Planning Commission staff report and saw the renderings of what they expect these things to look like and the only word that came to mind was “abomination”.

I cannot tell you how sick I feel. This campus is the only green space left along a 12-mile stretch of the People’s Republic, and the county is just going to let these slimeballs pave it over.

I don’t want to live.

So today I’m pulling gratitude for the clouds I saw yesterday morning on my walk, because they were gorgeous. (Also, that first one looks like Jabba the Hutt.)


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