Friday, August 18, 2023

The road leads back

I know you saw this coming, so let’s just get to it.

Today’s earworm is Ray Charles singing “Georgia On My Mind”, honoring Fulton County DA Fani T. Willis slapping Captain Capslock and 18 others with 41 felony counts to do with election interference in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

They include RICO charges, which seems appropriate since the Kleptocrat has been a mobster wannabe since his youth. (It’s also chef’s kiss for co-defendant Rudy Giuliani, who pioneered the use of RICO prosecutions when he was US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Lotta guys in federal slammer are laughing it up and hoping to be block mates with Rudy Colludi about now.

If you dive down into the indictment, released late Monday night, you’ll see a lot of mob-like activities in service of keeping Cadet Bonespurs in office. It’s hard to pick the most despicable and terrifying of the lot, but the campaign of intimidation against election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss—multiple heavy-handed threats to get them to lie about how they processed the counting of ballots—stands out. That went all the way to the top.

The other thing that really scares the bejesus out of me is the literal interference with voting machines in Coffee County, with corrupt voting officials allowing unauthorized whackjobs access to the machines, including downloading data—sensitive data on voters and votes—in service of the conspiracy. Those geshreis you heard Tuesday morning were me shrieking, “What the FUCK???” Everyone involved in that (and similar activities in other states) should be on the fast track to the joint, with no access ever under any circumstances to anything even remotely resembling a computer or connectivity.

So—let brother Ray take it from here.


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