Thursday, July 27, 2023

The hand I'm dealt

Saw an occupational therapist yesterday for my hand. This is because the orthopod finally suggested that physical therapy might be the next step (the fractures have healed).

This is a good thing because—three months out—I still can’t make a fist and I have to shift to my right hand to open anything that unscrews.

The OT kept asking me why I didn’t seek immediate treatment after the geese-induced fall. I kept telling her that it didn’t hurt all that much.

Then she asked why I didn’t get OT earlier in the process. Because the surgeon didn’t suggest it until last week. (He said the bones had healed, but the soft tissues need help.)

The upshot apparently is that I may not now recover all range of motion, because tendons require help within a couple/three months. But I can increase strength.

And maybe unscrew some wine bottle caps.



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