Sunday, July 23, 2023

Gratitude Monday: stepping forward

After nearly a week of what I considered a setback in my recovery, I’m grateful today that I appear to be back on the rails, knee-wise. The worst thing for me was that I could not go up more than three steps in a staircase without the knee pain telling me, “Cut that out!”

On Wednesday, my physical therapist diagnosed the problem as probably my IT band, compounded by glutes not doing their job. (I hate my IT band & it hates me.) She did a lot of work on the point where it connects to the knee and gave me some exercises to make the glutes step up to the plate.

By Friday, I could go up the stairs fairly fluidly (although I’m still tentative, anticipating protest) and I was able to have a yoga lesson that did a lot of work on the glutes. (I know that was successful, because I was feeling the muscles on Saturday.)

So I’m cautiously optimistic that—as I turn the corner on the eight-week milestone—I’m going to be okay. For a while, I wasn’t sure.




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