Monday, June 26, 2023

Gratitude Monday: time

Three weeks out from knee replacement surgery and I’m making progress. But I didn’t really realize it until talking with a friend yesterday, who asked what’s different between now and February.

When I started ticking off points, I saw that I may be one week behind the last time, not the amorphous stretch of time that it feels like. In February I was driving at week two; this time it’s week three. Not so bad.

I haven’t made it to the floor yet (just consider what getting on the floor when you can’t fully bend a knee is like; then consider what getting back upright is like), so no yoga. Last time I had a lesson at week two, I think. But I’m aiming for it sometime this week.

I feel like I’m more tired, but it may be just that I’m not forcing myself to join work meetings and just letting my body take what it needs from each day.

So today I’m grateful for having the time to heal, and for being able to take the time to do it.



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